University of Strathclyde

Strathclyde University are a partner in the Digital Dairy Chain project.

The project aims to put the region (South and West Scotland and Cumbria) on the map as a leader in advanced, sustainable and digitally connected dairy manufacturing.

Smart Wireless Innovation Facility (SWIFt)

The Smart Wireless Innovation Facility (SWIFt) is a commercial IOT and 5G test bed facility available to SME’s, scale ups, larger organisations, and academic institutions. To support and accelerate the development and adoption of digital technology and wireless networks-based solutions.

Writtle University College

Established in 1893, Writtle University College has been producing leaders in the land-based industries and organisations for more than 120 years.

Writtle is one of the oldest specialist institutions in the UK and offers a range of land-based, design and sport courses at various levels of academic study including Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Further Education, Short Courses and Apprenticeships.

Writtle University College is situated on a stunning 220-hectare estate and prides itself as being a small and specialist institution, where students are at the heart of everything Writtle does. In the 2020 NSS survey, Writtle achieved 92% overall student satisfaction, ranking first in English University Sector institutions.

Their courses are created with employability in mind, meaning you study towards a qualification that is relevant to industry needs and get hands-on experience through practical learning. This allows you to apply specialist theory to real-life situations when you graduate.

Their courses range across a number of specialist areas at undergraduate and postgraduate level including Sports Science, Equine, Animal Science, Veterinary Physiotherapy, Canine Therapy, Agriculture and Horticulture Landscape Architecture and Garden Design.

University of Sussex

The University of Sussex is a leading research-intensive university near Brighton. We have both an international and local outlook, with staff and students from more than 100 countries and frequent engagement in community activities and services.

University of Lincoln

The Lincoln Institute for Agri-Food Technology (LIAT) as part of the University of Lincoln, aims to support and enhance productivity. Efficiency and sustainability in food and farming, through research, education and technology. LIAT brings together sector leading expertise in a diverse range of subjects, from agri-robotics to zoology. LIAT researchers are engaged in the development of technologies which add value or solve challenges across the food chain, ‘from farm to fork’, working with partners in industry and academia, locally, nationally and internationally. LIAT utilises the exceptional facilities across our three campuses in Lincolnshire delivering the world class research and higher-level skills the UK’s agri-food industries need now and in the future.

University of Edinburgh

As a truly global university, rooted in Scotland’s capital city, the University of Edinburgh aims to make a significant, sustainable and socially responsible contribution to the world, delivering impact for society. We discover, develop and share knowledge. The Roslin Institute is a world-leading institute for animal research. Our aim is to enhance the lives of animals and humans through world class research in animal biology.

University of Bristol

Research at the Bristol Vet School (BVS) addresses 21st century answers to questions of animal health, resilience, welfare and disease. Researchers access the most appropriate, leading-edge technologies to investigate fundamental and applied research questions and employ optimal pathways to impact.

The goals of their research are to improve the immediate and future health of human and animal populations by:

· increasing sustainable production of healthy, high-welfare food while supporting recovery of endangered environmental resources;
· ensuring sustainable use of medicines in human and animal populations;
· reducing the impact of bacterial, viral and parasitic zoonotic diseases on human and animal populations; and
· translating new developments across fundamental research in human and animal medicine into management and therapeutic approaches which enhance the quality of life of animals and humans.

Their research is strengthened by the overlap between these four goals and by the need to engage multiple disciplines to address these important questions.

Smart Wireless Innovation Facility

The Smart Wireless Innovation Facility (SWIFt) is a commercial IOT and 5G test bed facility available to SME’s, scale ups, larger organisations, and academic institutions. To support and accelerate the development and adoption of digital technology and wireless networks-based solutions.

Scotland’s Rural College

The creation of Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) took place in 2012 by merging SAC (the Scottish Agricultural College) with three respected partners (Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge Colleges). SRUC exists to deliver comprehensive skills, education and business support for Scotland’s land-based industries, founded on world class and sector-leading research, education and consultancy. The integration of these three complementary ‘knowledge exchange’ services is of significant value to all with an interest in land-based activities – be they learners, businesses, communities or policy-makers. Competing demands and addressing new opportunities means the future for land-based industries will be extremely challenging. The next generation of business leaders and policy makers will need to be highly skilled and knowledgeable to navigate their way through a complex operating environment. To achieve this, we will support land-based communities and industries by drawing on our accomplished history of more than a century of success. Strong in our heritage, yet stronger still as SRUC, we will strive to lead the way in delivering economic, social and environmental benefits while providing a strong voice for our rural industries.

Scottish Association for Marine Science

The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is Scotland’s largest and oldest independent marine science organisation, delivering marine science for a productive and sustainably managed marine environment through innovative research, education and engagement with society.

Based near Oban on the Scottish west coast, our marine research and teaching portfolio is diverse in topic and discipline, global in outlook, project locations and relevance, and delivered by a SAMS team with can-do attitude working in partnership with academic, business, government, regulatory, voluntary and civic society colleagues.

SAMS is a charitable organisation (SC009206) with a membership that elects the Board members following a recruitment process. It is also a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in Scotland (SC 009292) and operates two wholly owned subsidiary companies: SAMS Applied Marine Science Enterprise Ltd – a specialist marine consultancy – and SAMS Ltd. It is an academic partner of the University of the Highlands and Islands.