Set up in 1968 by 6 leading local farmers, Grampian Growers based at Logie near Montrose, is one of the smaller cooperatives with only 11 “A” shareholder members and a further 15 “B” members. The co-op focuses primarily on export and home markets and they currently market 60 million cut daffodil stems, 4,000 tonnes of daffodil bulbs and 18,000 tonnes of seed potatoes.

In 2020 they purchased WM Fraser which is a chipping potato merchant that delivers over 50 tonnes of potatoes to fish and chip shops and hospitality businesses across the North-East of Scotland.

In 2021 they acquired Abbey Potatoes Limited which is based in Cambridgeshire and they trade around 25,000 tonnes of potatoes a year to over 50 potato merchants including WM Fraser.

Across Grampian Growers’s businesses, they employ 18 full-time members of staff and 2 part-time members and anything up to 70 seasonal staff during peak production months.They have an annual turnover of £17million and also have 200kw of solar panels on-site with a view to increasing this as well as looking into other renewable sources.