Intertek is a Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide. Through jts global network of state-of-the-art facilities and industry-leading technical expertise they provide innovative and bespoke Assurance, Testing, Inspection and Certification services to customers. 

Intertek provide a systemic approach to supporting its customers’ quality assurance efforts in areas including: R&D, raw materials sourcing, components suppliers, manufacturing, transportation, distribution and retail channels, consumer management and agricultural commodities 

Intertek’s teams are also able to assess batteries and energy storage systems from button cells through multi-megawatt stationary installations and everything in between

They can ensure that your electrical and mechanical products meet quality, health, environmental, safety, and social accountability standards for virtually any market around the world. And hold the expertise to provide seamless support across a global network of linked and agri-dedicated offices. 

Intertek can provide innovative solutions, wherever you are, worldwide.