SAC Consulting has its roots in Scottish agriculture and the rural sector, with a long history of College activity from 1905 to present. We continue to have deep bonds with our Research and Education colleagues, and we remain independent of any trade products and services.

Our role is to support and advise land-based businesses in the rural economy. We seek to optimise agricultural outcomes and supply chains, in balance with the environment and appropriate to the prevailing national agricultural policy. Our model allows us to cover the length and breadth of Scotland and the north of England with staff local to our customers.

We offer end-to-end services. Our work ranges from business advice to soil nutrition, to livestock and agronomy, to branding and marketing of food products. In addition, our own dedicated UKAS-accredited analytical facilities provide a seamless service from field to lab. Our technical services cover all aspects of a rural enterprise; from agronomy, livestock and dairy services to disease surveillance, farm animal diagnostics, forestry and environmental consultancy.


Agrecalc is a carbon calculator designed to identify and measure emissions related to food production, monitor improvements and benchmark key performance indicators for all farm enterprises.

We will help you reach net zero emissions from food production, while increasing the level of both efficiency and farm productivity.
Agrecalc only employs the latest validated scientific methodologies for measuring impact and encourages practical mitigation measures for lowering farm carbon emissions.
Our Mission is to give everyone access to a tool to analyse their operation’s carbon footprint and pave the way to environmentally friendly and efficient food production systems.