#19: Using low cost microphones to monitor biodiversity


Dr Casey Woodward, Founder of AgriSound, speaks with Thomas Slattery about the company’s use of low-cost listening technology to better understand biodiversity in the field and help farmers and growers to both target interventions and protect pollinators.

AgriSound’s technology utilises bioacoustic algorithms to produce a user interface that shows deficits and offers high-level recommendations. With advice from growers about challenges they face relying on manual observations and what they would want from an automated solution, AgriSound has developed strategies to enhance insect levels, map impacts of agrochemicals and support national governments with data-led policymaking.

By combining acoustic technology with environmental sensors, AgriSound has developed a range of innovative products that can aid in maintaining an optimal pollination environment, necessary for not just the survival of future pollinators, but for farms, gardens, and the planet.


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